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Interactive maps with the EEC spatial data

Maps by the EEC participants


Maps created by the EEC participants during the project's trainings.


The EEC participants' datasets

A collection of spatial datasets produced by participants and received by the EEC project's teams as KML/KMZ-files.

Dudin Daniil's Holidays in Karelia

The map of locations visited by Daniil Dudin in Republic of Kerelia (Russian North-West) during his winter vacations, January 2022.

My Favorite Park and other Areas of Interest

This is the favorite park by Ismail Yusuf, a participant from Minneapolis, as well as other areas of his interest.

EEC participants' initial locations

This is a mp of locations of the EEC Project's participants based on the initial registrations. Not all of the participants continued to participate.

Participants Locations in the NextGIS online map

This is the interactive online maps of the EEC participants' locations based on the initial registration.